Well, here are some updates from the past month or so. Everything is going well with my pregnancy. Although, I don't really look pregnant, I'm sure my belly will "pop" soon. I haven't gained any weight yet, but everyone reminds me it will come soon enough and to be grateful now. I am about 18 weeks along. We find out in 2 more weeks what we are having! My guess is a boy, but we'll have to wait and see. I'm feeling a lot better than I was early on. This pic was taken today... I'm actually wearing maternity clothes for the first time... the shorts are so much more comfortable than button up shorts.
Steve recently finished his latest wood-burning. For those of you who know Steve well, you are aware of his hobby for art. His free-time this summer has allowed him to enjoy many of the things that school kept him from doing (including playing his X-Box... I think he plays excessively, but I know he won't have another break for a long time).
A couple of weeks ago, my two friends Lizzie and Kendra came to visit. We had a blast even though it was extremely hot here that week. I'm so grateful that even with the hot summer temps they spent part of their summer hanging out with Steve and I. Living away from home is not always easy and it was so much fun to have some of my close friends here. Thanks again Kendra and Lizzie!
Here we are at the Phoenix Art Museum (enjoying the children's exhibit)...
About a month ago Steve and I went to visit my sister and her family in North Carolina. It was so much fun to see my two nieces... I miss them already. 
Here we are at an incredible Italian sorbet shop... it was soooo yummy :)
Kayla loves her uncle Steve...
We went and visited the Biltmore mansion... this place was amazing. I've never seen a home so huge! Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures inside.
The kids enjoyed the petting zoo they had there. I think they were more comfortable touching the animals than me.
After spending a few days in NC. Steve and I drove down to Charleston, South Carolina. Steve served his mission here, so he was an excellent tour guide. Here we are with one of the families he baptized. They are still very active members in the church.
Everything was so green here... what a change from Arizona.
We went to the Slave Market museum in downtown Charleston. You learn a lot more about slavery than they teach you in a history book.
Here we are visting the pier...

The weekend we were there, Charleston was doing a historical celebration and there were tons of old battleships in the harbor.
It was fun to see all of the cobblestone streets... it's like stepping back in time. Many of the buildings are extremely old, but cannot be torn down because they are considered historical sites. The homes in down-town Charleston are very well preserved, but others on the outskirts of down look as if they are about to collapse.
We went to Market Street. This is where slaves and other goods use to be sold. Now it is an extremly crowded shopping area where people sell crafts, art, and other home-made things.
There were also many old cemeteries. I thought they were really cool because they reminded me of the grave yards you see in movies. We were able to walk through a few of them. Some of the head-stones date back to the early 1700's. Little did we know, mosquitoes were attacking us during this little adventure.
After spending time in Charleston, we made our way up to Myrtle Beach, SC. We stayed at the most beautiful hotel (we scored an awesome deal on Hotwire.com!)
Steve enjoying the ocean waves... it always makes me nervous when he swims out really far.
So far our summer has been lots of fun. It's so nice to have Steve around especially since I can't get as much done being pregnant (working usually takes up all my energy). School starts in about a month, but we are making one more trip up to Utah before things get hectic again... I'm so excited to see family and friends!
5 lovely notes:
Hey you cute girl! I cannot believe you--18months along and still teeny tiny. I don't look like that now (but wish I did!). You look gorgeous anyhow and I'm excited for you and excited to hear what you'll be having. I hope you're doing well. Let me know when you come in town. I have way too much time on my hands now--and would absolutely love to see you.
Hey Cara Dear,
Love the post, and loved all the pictures! You look darling and looks like you are showing just a little. Dad and I look forward to going to visit Adrienne,Mike and the girls in Sept. Those cute little girls!!! I will see them in Sept., and look forward to seeing you and Steve in August! Love you Mom!
Glad your enjoying your summer. Don't worry Steve isn't the only one who is playing video games excessively, Joseph is too! But like you said they won't get another summer break so they need to enjoy it now while they've got it. I can't wait to find out what your having, I'm so excited for you guys!
Let us know when you will be in town and hopefully we can see you!
Thank you thank you for the updates! It sounds like you had such a nice vacation. Keep us posted on the pregnancy and continue to rest lots even after Steve goes back. Let us know the gender.
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