Sunday, January 23, 2011

She's Still My "Baby"

Grace has been growing up so quickly as of late... I see this "baby" slipping away more and more. Some say that once a baby turns one, they are now considered a "toddler." Grace has yet to "toddle" around so I feel that I can still call her my baby.

Although, part of me longs for her to walk since her pants are becoming worn and black in the knees.

"My head now can accommodate the headphones to the flip-down TV in the car... but don't worry mom, I'm still your baby."
"I can manage to climb into the dryer... but don't worry mom, I'm still your baby.""I'm composing the first movement of my concerto in G major... but don't worry mom, I'm still your baby.""I can still wear tutus and get away without wearing a shirt... I'm still your baby.""I can still ride in the jogging stroller... I'm still your baby.""Don't worry mom, I'll always be your baby."

6 lovely notes:

Anonymous said...

She will always be your baby. Absolutely darling, the dryer photo is my favorite.

Amy said...

I still call Jane "precious baby". It's more of a silly name now, but your first will always be just that.

Emily said...

She is so sweet. I especially love those shots of her playing on her new piano, what a star. She will always be your baby. So sweet.

Any word on if I'll be seeing you in February?!

Rachel said...

Isn't is crazy how fast they grow up? Lily is one today and I can hardly believe it. It makes me sad missing the little baby she used to be (yes, I may be a little baby hungry already), but she seems to just get cuter and cuter every day. Grace is darling. Wish we could see you guys more often.

rawhide said...

she is so cute cara.....i love her with the head phones on!!!

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