Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our New Home

Well, I finally have my camera... hooray! I know that many of you have been asking about where we are living and how the adjustment has been in gerneral. I am glad to report that I love our new place and we are fortunate to live in a great neighborhood. The ward here is wonderful and Steve and I have met a lot of other couples in our same circumstance. There are also 3 LDS couples that live in our apartment complex which has been really nice. Here is a little tour of our place: Here is our front living room.

The dining area.

I made the cushion for this little bench before we moved and found some organzing bins that fit perfectly in it (that was a headache).

Here is our amazingly spacious kitchen compared to our last apartment.

The master bedroom. We also have a bathroom right off of our bedroom which I really like.

This is outside on our patio/balcony.

The laundry.... I think the magnetic board makes this space kind of fun.

The study.

Here is our guest bathroom... so if anybody wants to come visit, we have plenty of extra room.

Here are a few other pictures that I took before we moved...

Packing everything up... including myself!

Here we are up at Snowbird with my family the day before Steve drove down to AZ.

7 lovely notes:

Amy said...

Oh Cara! I loved the tour - your home is lovely, and you've decorated it so nicely. I especially like the photo of Steve, studying IN the study. :) I DO like how you "decorated" your laundry room. I need to try something like that. Laundry is such a drag. This was so nice to see where you are! Love you lots. :)

grace said...

Way cute place, Cara! Totally love it. I'm glad you're all settled down there. Enjoy the warm weather...I'm jealous as it's getting colder here. Don't even worry about the fall leaves! The more the merrier! It's fantastic, I always knew we had similar taste. Hope all is well!

Emily said...

I LOVE Your place! So cute! I especially love that Cara in a box picture!

brooke and chad coon said...

what's it like having a kitchen that fits more than one person and a fridge?! i wish i knew...

Suzi said...

It looks like you guys are doing great. I am so jealous of your laundry room and guest bathroom!

Deidre said...

Love the tour...the view makes me miss AZ. You are wonderful at decorating. Sadly our house STILL isn't ready to photograph. Only the living room...sorta.

Kellee said...

Cara, your place looks so nice! AND, I love what you did with that shelf you bought at NPS! Hope you're loving it there. Where are you working?